Balancing Time (Part II – Time Management)

Balancing Time (Part II – Time Management)
4-18-2021 Join me today at 2:00 to get the full scoop

Life Treasure Hunt

April 11, 2021 the ‘Perspective Challenge’ was to write down the time you spend, doing your daily activities. Answer the following Questions about your daily activities:

Did you notice where are you spending most of your time? Is it where you want to be?

Where do you want to be spending most of your time?

.) Is your job a job you like doing? Does it bring you joy or purpose

or do you resent it?

Only you can determine what you Treasure…


Find your time stealers. A time stealer is anything where you can make a choice to do something different, like time you are watching a TV program you are really not that into or you are doing something to only avoid doing what you feel you should be doing. But where I find the most time where I can make an improvement is, “double tagging my time”. Easy places to double tag time are when getting ready for work, or driving to and from work or when preparing meals. Listen to something you want to learn, along the lines of a how-to do something … another language, the bible, a new skill etc. This day and age you can also talk to the air to get things done, with a virtual assistant, as easy as saying,” Hey Google” or “Alexa”.

Perspective Challenge

Doing something new, to find time to do what you currently feel you do not have time to do. Deeply contemplate where your time is going now and make a conscious effort to do what it takes to do something different. It will not happen by just wishing things were different. Take baby steps and develop a habit, then the changes will become second nature.

I hope the following links will help you make the changes you want to make in your life.

Productive and in control

How to break a bad habit

Secrete to success

Follow Dr. Travis Bradberry on that is where I got this information

I managed my time to get out early in the morning to capture the following photos: