Serenity and a Simpler Time

View an early viewing now or at 2:00 pm MT when the YouTube posting airs

Life Treasure Hunt

What a treasure it would be to Get back to a simpler time…

Do you remember as a kid lying on the ground looking up at the clouds, or at night at the stars? Remember how you looked at the world differently, and life seemed simpler. You got up when you felt like it, you went to bed at a decent time because your parents told you it was bed time. You may have said, “But I’m not tired,” however, your parents knew you needed your sleep. Then you got older and life got busier. No one tells you when to go to sleep any more, and for some reason you are tired all the time… Do you long for a simpler time when you did not have all the responsibilities?


Think about what is good for your health, physically, mentally and spiritually. I am not a child any more, but now looking back the rules my parents gave me were because they cared about me and loved me. There was a bed time, bath time, meal time, study time, play time, and eat your vegetables time. (Oh, and not a ‘time’ per say, but an unspoken rule to be nice and kind to others.) Now, I am an adult, I do what I want. Where did that get me, fat, tired, working wishing I could go play.  I had to set rules for myself to do a few things that are good for me. I think this is the main thing that has helped me begin to lose weight, acquire a better life rhythm and feeling of serenity. I went back to the basic rules my parents imposed upon me. My parents loved me; now I need to do the things they told me to do, to be better to me.

Perspective Challenge

What were the best rules your parents or guardian gave you for the betterment of your health, physically, mentally and spiritually? This week make a list and implement healthy rules for yourself.  See if you too after a few weeks have a better life rhythm and a feeling of serenity. If you need some more ideas to help you with this challenge, check out the links below.

NOTE: Next week on May 2, 2021 the focus will be how to start and keep GOOD HABITS.

How to become more childlike

Regain a sense of childlike wonder  

The 1970 we ate on a schedule, listen to Dr. Jason Fung, he explains why Americans got fat in his presentation: to How to Lose Weight Automatically (3 Key Strategies)

What is rhythm of life

Maintaining a healthy rhythm of life

What is Serenity?,calm%20and%20true%20to%20yourself

What is the Serenity Prayer?

The Beginner’s Guide to Reading the Bible

I have no affiliation with any of these links. I just found them and thought they would help explain what I was blogging about. Rebecca

The cloud photos below are not enhanced at all, these are actually what I saw, and took a photograph.

The 3 below are as the sun was coming up they are within minutes of each other.