My Ever Evolving Dieting and Increasing My Metabolism Journey

My Ever Evolving Dieting and Increasing My Metabolism  Journey

Last update 5-22-2021

My Evolving Diet Journey

The Plan by Lyn-Genet Recitas, helped me with a lot of the details I learned about my body. In my search to figured out my body I found sugar, all sugar, even honey and fruit seems to make me want to eat all the time, all day long.  If I do not have any sugar at all for a week this helps me stop being hungry all the time. When I cut out sugar, I found I only feel hungry about twice a day. A book I found extremely helpful to get off of sugar easily was The 21 Day Sugar Detox Cookbook by Diane Sanfilippo. (I also have the book, but the cookbook I liked better because it has more recipes. I still use the spice blends and condiment recipes weekly. My favorites are Sweetener-free ketchup, all the dressings, no-honey mustard sauce, spiced buttery apple spread, and creamy cilantro garlic sauce.  Now it is easy to only eat when I feel hunger, not when something just sounds good. To me food always sounds good. I was able to add back in berries and green apples and still lose weight. I also found I am not gluten intolerant but I needed to limit bread, rice and starchy vegies like peas and potatoes to once a week to lose weight.  I am not lactose intolerant but if I have too much dairy, I feel lethargic. I feel better if I forgo cheese and use nutritional yeast instead. Always, if I have too much food, I feel like I have a hangover, sometimes even the headache. 

I am hyper sensitive to caffeine, even chocolate. If I consume anything with caffeine in it after noon, I have difficulty getting my brain to calm down enough to sleep. My body seems to do best with Mocha powdered green tea. I do not have any jitters when I drink it, just focus and energy. I use Mocha in my pre swim workout drink.  I also found if I eat any sugar, even gummy vitamins, my appetite increases and I want more food. So, when I am focusing on weight loss, I am hyper vigilante about skipping sugar.  I also, have to stop rice, potatoes, starchy vegies like peas. When I am trying to lose weight, due to the sugar, I only consume two servings of fruit a day, eating a green apple or ½ cup of berries or ½ of a banana for a serving of fruit.

Were we being warned to not eat too much sugar? Proverbs 25:16 – If you have found honey, eat only enough for you, lest you have your fill of it and vomit it.

For me the phrase, “a calories is a calorie” is a no go, I do not count calories or carbs basically I am not a counter of anything (I was not always this way). To help me get over all the “NOs” that all the previous diets put into my head, I found a great book that changed my perspective called, Eat what you love, Love what you eat. I am so happy I found that book!

I think more of food now as fuel, eat to feel good and powered. Ways to visualize calorie density

Links to blogs connected to my diet journey:

Increased Metabolism

On May 16, 2021 I posted an in-depth blog and YouTube vlog called,” Increased Metabolism at age 58!” I will explain how I was able to achieve this and increase my muscle tone, become firmer than I was 10 years ago. Oh, and not to forget lose weight due to an increased metabolism.

1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. I do not want to be a slave to what I eat: 1 Corinthians 6:12 “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything.

My simple prayer I say when I am eating alone before I eat the food, “thank you for this food, may it nourish my body and I eat only what my body needs. I want to consciously always be grateful for what you have provided. May I not eat too fast so my brain will have time to know I am satisfied and keep me from over filling myself to the point of gluttony”.

Gluttony (Latin: gula, derived from the Latin gluttire meaning “to gulp down or swallow”) means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items, particularly as status symbols. In Christianity, it is considered a sin if the excessive desire for food causes it to be withheld from the needy.


Resources that have helped me the most on my Journey (This list is always growing as I find more information)

 7 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism By Jennifer Gruenemay,all%20the%20metabolic%2Dboosting%20glory

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism (Backed by Science) Info from Health Line –

Isometrics Can Accelerate Your Metabolism and Help You Lose Weight,you%20simultaneously%20boost%20your%20metabolism

Per Medical News Today,strengthening%20and%20stabilizing%20the%20muscles

Hidden significance of what we eat

What Is Food Culture And How Does It Impact Health?

I have done this Yoga now 5 days a week for 12 years Rodney Yee Yoga

The most economical way I have found to by fresh produce click here for Misfits Market


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