Simple ways to be Positively Happy

Simple ways to be Positively Happy
YouTube vlog posting ‘Positively Happy’ 2:00pm MT, Sunday, 4-4-2021

Life Treasure Hunt

I hike often the same familiar trails, however, each time I go, I look for something different, to discover a new treasure and I take a photo of it. The photos below on this page are some treasures I have found with notes as to how I perceive their beauty. More photos in today’s YouTube vlog.

Making a Better Me

Getting outside to hike on beautiful days does something for my mind body and spirit. How and what I do will be posted on YouTube today.

Perspective Challenge

One person looks at a rose and says, “too bad it has thorns”. Another person looks at a rose and says, how wonderful thorns are decorated with such lovely roses!” Challenge your perspective this week to look everywhere you go for, “positive beauty”.

My photo does not do justice to the beautiful mountainside of wild flowers.
These wild flowers are called Indian paint brush.
Colorful moss in a log
Mushrooms growing hidden almost under the log.
This decaying log looks like art with it’s horizontal ridges and moss growing inside.
This fire charred log has square patterns and now moss grows on it.

Productive and in control

Passionate people do

Everyone should have unlimited vacation days

I follow Dr. Travis Bradberry on where I obtained these links

This is a TED Talk to Improve your positive thinking

I also do Yoga 5 days a week now for 12 years, this has helped my mind, body and spirit. Rodney Yee Yoga